Travel conversation with our guest
22 September 2017
[22/09, 8:45 AM] Web Pax Vijay Srinivas Chennai: Sri Vaishnvite temples like Upuliappn Kombakonam,
Sri Ranganatha Temple Trichy.We are Vaishnavite.We have to visit 107 divya desam during life time.My Mrs has visited 33 temples.Now I should start before it is late
Only the last Divya Desam at Vaikunt (heaven we can't visit during life time but if God permits he will allow us in Vaikunt the 108 divya desam and last one.
[22/09, 8:51 AM] Web Pax Vijay Srinivas Chennai: Mahabalipuram Sri Lakshmi Narayana Perumal temple 9kms before Mahabalipuram .You can take your pilgrims to this temple.It is a small and more than 500 years old.Vaishnavite (Sri Narayana temple) built by my great and great grand father.
It is next to Thirukazhi Kindram Temple in a place called Kuzhipandandalam in Agraharam Street.Please visit with pirigrims when you happen to go to Mahabalipuram.
[22/09, 9:06 AM] Web Pax Vijay Srinivas Chennai: No this is not near shore but inside a village called Kuzhioanda dalm.You can ask the preist on the shore temple they will tell how to go.Why I am so specific because no where in the Google Map this place can be searched.I want some one to highlight this temple.We built this Sri Lakshmi Narayan Perumal Temple before Birlas buit Lakshmi Narayan temple.
I want some powerful person to recognise this temple.We spent lacs for renovation I donated a Silver Bowl (Co incidently they wanted one more since they had only 3 so this was very exciting and my grandfather has blessed from heaven I wanted to donate a reasonable size Brass bell but we lost touch due to TNGovt interference.So many years they never bother to do any thing for that damaged temple but after performing Kumbabesagam in 1999 they started interfering and they put their name.
Actually this te0
[22/09, 9:09 AM] Web Pax Vijay Srinivas Chennai: is our kul devaim .Our grandfather and father neglected this temple.Thus causing lots of hardship in our life.After Sri Sankaracharya advice us to visit this temple we saw its condition.
[22/09, 9:10 AM] Web Pax Vijay Srinivas Chennai: and did the renovation in 1999
[22/09, 9:12 AM] Web Pax Vijay Srinivas Chennai: I had collected 2000 and as mentioned a silver bowl then costing 1500.Thats all I could do.My sister donated substantially and total donation was 1.5 lacs in 1999
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